Biodiversity crediting project

Interesting bundling development - Biodiversity crediting project - although it is coming from the other side of the equation than I was approaching it. Aims to have a code in place by March 2025.

Small Sites

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is now mandatory for small development sites 🌱 across England.

This means BNG now applies to residential projects with one to nine dwellings on a site of 1 hectare or less and commercial projects with 1,000 square meters or less of floor space.

Top Tips can be found on the Natural Englang Blog and although the requirement for off-site BNG is likely to be small, we can cater for any amount though our established Banked sites - nothing too big 🌳 nor too small 🥀

Irreplaceable Habitats

If a Developer has irreplaceable habitats within the project site that suffer losses or deterioration, these fall outside of the biodiversity net gain mechanism. Being deemed to valuable to be compensated for, they cannot be calculated by the biodiversity metric tool and should be removed from the baseline.

Treatment of these habitats must comply with the policy, legislation and regulations in force at that time and bespoke compensation to address specific losses and deterioration agreed with the relevant planning authority.

Likely to be a minority case, but with reference to Irreplaceable Ancient Woodland, Ancient and veteran trees, we are working toward rejuvenating areas of Wood Pasture that link to existing Ancient and Semi-Natural Woodland within the Deciduous Woodland Priority Habitat Inventory.


Thank you to Tim Johns and the N Yorks team for hosting a very useful briefing at Skipton Auction Mart yesterday. Good to see adjoining LPAs gearing up for their stategies which are designed from the outset with porous borders to be responsive to and interact with their neighbours strategies.

BNG Registrations

At the same time as BNG became mandatory, the Registry opened with a little less fanfare. However, I've begun the process of lodging our client's sites and hoping we can get the s.106 agreements ironed out over the next few days to support this process.